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Deploying my storybook is very simple

Wed, Jan 4, 2023

Once you've created your components in Storybook, you are able to share them in a few different ways. You can deploy Storybook to Vercel, GitHub or Netlify or Heroku and share the URL with your team and potential clients. Alternatively, you can also create a static version of Storybook and deploy it to a web server. This allows you to have a version of Storybook that is always online and up to date.

Storybook is easy to set up and manage. You will need Node.js and a few development dependencies installed in order to set up your own environment. You can also use generator-storybook to quickly get started with creating a Storybook configuration file.

Once you've configured your Storybook, you can start writing stories for your components. A story is essentially a brief explanation of how your component will be used in the application. You can write stories for components that you have already created and also any components that you are working on. Storybook also allows you to create variations of your component, this is helpful for A/B testing.

Deploying React components with Storybook is a great way to showcase your work and ensure your components are bug-free. It allows you to create living style guides for your components and provides a sandbox for testing them. Setting up Storybook can seem daunting, but it is easy if you follow the documentation. Once you have it set up, you can start creating stories and variations of your components and sharing them with your team and potential clients.

1. Storybook commands


"scripts": {
"storybook": "storybook dev -p 6006",
"build-storybook": "storybook build"

2. Make a stories from your components


import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react';
import Avatar from '.';
export default {
/* 👇 The title prop is optional.
* See
* to learn how to generate automatic titles
title: 'Settings / Avatar',
component: Avatar,
} as ComponentMeta<typeof Avatar>;
//👇 We create a “template” of how args map to rendering
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof Avatar> = (args) => <Avatar {...args} />;
// 👇 Each story then reuses that template
export const Primary = Template.bind({});
Primary.args = {
name: 'Juan Carlos de Borbón',
description: 'Rey emérito de España',
img: '/avatar.png',
alt: 'Quien bien se vive!',

3. Deploy Storybook

The most important things are build command, output directory and install command. (yarn, npm or whatever) for dependencies.

yard build-storybook
yarn i || npm i || npx i

Here you can show the example of my storybook deployed in a subdomain: